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 Abounding Dark Magic [Open]

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PostSubject: Abounding Dark Magic [Open]   Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 4:12 pm

Sisia was kind of, well, lost. Not that it was unexpected, because, honestly, the place was /huge/, and she wasn’t even given a map! She knew Durmstrang like the back of her hand, but Hogwarts? Not so much. Maybe by the end of the school year, she would never get lost, not ever, but then it wouldn’t really matter… Ah well. Back to the search! Currently, the girl was looking for an empty classroom, or something like that, where she could practice some Dark Arts. After all, Hogwarts didn’t teach it, for some reason. The Hufflepuff wasn’t exactly sure why, but, then again, seeing as she was pretty sure that some schools had it as an extracurricular, she figured that it might be that, but for third years and up. If it was, maybe she could locate the teacher, and ask to borrow their classroom…

Lost in her thoughts about how difficult it was to find a Dark Arts room, the Liechtensteinerin didn’t notice the odd tapestry of dancing trolls that she passed, although, with a small sigh, she did recognize that a quill had slipped out from her bag. Slipping right back across the hall, she picked it up, and headed back in the other direction, passing by the tapestry for the third time. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed movement, from the other wall, and turned, just in time to see a door materialize on the wall.

The girl’s eyes went wide, and she hesitantly stepped forward, wanting to open the door, and yet unsure. After all, the walls didn’t create doors at home /or/ at Durmstrang, so it could lead to a dangerous room! Then again, her family would jump at the opportunity to sue Hogwarts for plenty of Galleons, if she was hurt, and there was no way whatever was in here would be dangerous enough to kill her, right? …Right. Wand at the ready, Sisia opened the door, peering inside, and immediately felt her jaw drop. It was, it was, beautiful!

There was a line of those cool practice dummies, stood up over by the walls, the ones that moved (though she didn’t know how to make them do it) and regenerated once you had destroyed them. Sisia had seen the older students practice on them before, though, she had never gotten a chance to, so it was quite thrilling to see them. A bookshelf stood on the far wall, and the girl flitted inside over to it, leaving the door wide open, and began inspecting the books. They were all about the Dark Arts! Some looked quite advanced, nothing she could even comprehend at the moment, and the majority looked daunting, though with hard work, she could understand, along with a few that were right up her alley.

Smiling to herself in delight, the Liechtensteinerin had a thought, and she lit up at the realization. Oh! What if this was the Dark Arts classroom? She could imagine that it would be cloaked, normally, and maybe she found it because she was thinking of it? Or something along those lines? Maybe she should wait for the Professor, whoever taught this class, and ask them, so she could find it again another time. And she was sure they wouldn’t mind if she read while she waited! Giving herself a decisive nod, Sisia plopped down on her knees in front of the bookshelf, tucking her skirt in around them as she searched for a relatively simple book, completely heedless of the fact that the door was still hanging wide open.
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abounding Dark Magic [Open]   Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2011 7:57 am

Daniel was eager to finally escape his roommate. Sure, he was a nice guy and he liked talking with him, but the he was telling wasn't nearly as interesting the third time around as it had been for the first. And he had been waiting for an opportunity to go the library and read a book on the Dark Arts and defense against them for ages! He told his roommate that he had to go to the library to write an essay, his voice filled with fake disappointment. Unfortunately, his rather talkative roommate had an essay to finish too and offered to go with him. Not wanting to be rude, Daniel accepted, internally groaning at his perfect afternoon being wasted.

As they were walking down the stairs towards the library, Daniel noticed something odd on the seventh floor; the door of the Room of Requirement was hanging open. He looked at the door, bewildered. He had never seen it left open. He couldn't help but become curious. Who was inside? He ran off towards the room without a word to his overly talkative roommate. He ran inside, quickly shutting the door and begging the room to let anyone, anyone in, except his roommate. When he was sure no persistent roommate of his will come inside, he finally looked around.

His eyes immediately started sparkling in excitement. This was exactly what he needed! There were training dummies lined up neatly against a wall, lie detectors in front of another, and there were two walls entirely covered with bookshelves. From what he could see nearly all the books were on dark spells and potions, some of them quite advanced. He wondered if he had died and gone to heaven. This was just too perfect! With the help of these books, he could complete his spell in no time!

The shifting of a form near the bookshelves snapped him out of his daydreaming. Oh, right, someone must have asked for this to appear here. He looked the other person over and couldn't help but stare in surprise. This girl, who looked like a third year tops, was the one to ask for a room filled to the brim with books on dark spells and tools for practicing said spells? No, she must have been older. Maybe she just looked really young.

Daniel went closer to the girl, smiling at her sheepishly. "Hello, I'm sorry for barging in so suddenly. I was just, ah, trying to escape from my roommate." he said, rubbing the back of his head, something he did when he was nervous. "My name is Daniel Héderváry, fifth year Gryffindor. It's nice to meet you."
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Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abounding Dark Magic [Open]   Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2011 10:08 am

Sisia, finally, had located a book that seemed as though it would be on her level, entitled ‘Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed’. It wasn’t anything obviously Dark, of course, because she was only the level of jinxes or hexes, not anything like curses or more advanced stuff. Still, she was getting better, and besides, she just needed to stay on top of the class. After all, she couldn’t go back to Durmstrang and have to take the second year class, when she was in her third! It just wouldn’t be right, and Uncle would be so disappointed in her… Startled at the sound of a door shutting, the Liechtensteinerin dropped her book, looking back with wide eyes. Was it the Professor?

Unfortunately, it was not, but an older Gryffindor, who was gazing around the room in awe. He must not take this class, then. Maybe he wanted to? Judging by the excited look on his face, yes, but then why didn’t he take it? Dismissing the confusing aspects of older kids, because she doubted she’d /ever/ understand what made them tick, and why the tended to act funny, Sisia picked up her book, flipping through it to try to find the page she had been on, on the ‘Horn Tongue Hex’. That seemed to draw the attention of the older student, however, who looked surprised at the sight of her. Maybe because she wasn’t supposed to be here? Oh, hopefully she wasn’t going to get into trouble…

Standing up, she smiled up at the Gryffindor, who identified himself as Daniel. “It’s fine, it’s not my classroom, after all!” Besides, she had left the door open, so that was practically an invitation to come in. Giggling slightly at the fact that he had wanted to get away from his roommate, something she didn’t quite understand, but found funny, the Liechtensteinerin introduced herself. “My name’s Sisia Vogel, I’m a second year Hufflepuff!” she told him, proud of her house.

Thinking of something, because, even though he didn’t take the class, he might know who the Professor is, Sisia spoke up. “Um, do you know who the Professor is for the Dark Arts class?” she asked, quickly hastening on to explain. “I was going to ask him, or her, if they could tutor me, because I don’t want to fall behind in the class, because for some reason, Hogwarts doesn’t offer it for younger kids, and when I go back to Durmstrang, I don’t want to have to take an additional year, if I could just do it now-” Having said all that in one breath, the Liechtensteinerin realized that she was babbling, and quickly blushed, looking down at her feet. “Sorry f-for just going off l-like that…” She apologized quietly, feeling embarrassed.
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abounding Dark Magic [Open]   Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2011 2:31 pm

Daniel stared at the girl, raising an eyebrow slightly. She thought this was a classroom? A Dark Arts classroom? How strange. She didn't even realize that she passed that portrait three times and a door just suddenly appeared? Apparently not. "Ah, this isn't a classroom, actually. This is the so called 'Room of Requirement'. It can give you anything you want, within reasonable bounds, of course. My guess would be you accidentally passed that painting three times and thought really hard of practising dark magic." he explained.

Daniel frowned. "There is no Dark Arts class or Professor in Hogwarts. Only Defense Against the Dark Arts. That's Professor Beilschmidt's class. Only seventh years learn about dark magic around here." he said, conveniently leaving out the fact that he was getting private lessons on dark arts from the Professor. "Do they teach you dark magic in Durmstrang from the first year?"

He had read about Durmstrang of course. He also knew they had a different policy concerning the Dark Arts. But to teach it to such young students? He himself only read about the Dark Arts at the end of his third year! He shook his head. It seemed...wrong to be taught dark magic so soon. And this girl seemed far too innocent to be interested in it.
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Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abounding Dark Magic [Open]   Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 9:43 am

Blinking in surprise at his explanation, Sisia’s mouth fell into an ‘O’ of understanding as she realized what he was talking about. When she had dropped her quill, and then gone back past the place where the door was! Well, that was nice to know, in case she ever needed another place likes this. Seventh corridor, across from the funny tapestry with dancing trolls, walk by it three times thinking of what you want… Yep, she could do that! It was good to know, for sure! “Oh, I get it!” the Liechtensteinerin told the older student, smiling brightly at having gotten it right. But, wait… If this wasn’t the Dark Arts classroom, where was it?

Fortunately, Daniel followed up with an explanation, and Sisia immediately felt crestfallen. “N-No Dark Arts?” she stammered, a crushed look on her face. She would fall so behind! Without a teacher to teach her, and only books on the subjects (though this room was definitely helpful), she would definitely be behind! “I won’t be able to keep up with my class, then!” Oh, Aunt Felicia would be so, so mad… Uncle Anton would be disappointed, not angry, but that would be even worse than anger. She didn’t want to disappoint her Uncle, no…

Realizing that the Gryffindor had asked her a question, Sisia nodded sadly. “Yeah, even if it was just jinxes and a few minor hexes, we learn the Dark Arts. My family actually started teaching me when I was nine, so I’d be ahead, but without a teacher…” she sighed, giving the floor a melancholy look. “I’m definitely going to lose that edge…” And fall behind in the class, possibly all the way down to the year below her. Oh, the shame if she did so! Everyone would be so disappointed in her, and her teachers would be so surprised, and it was her favorite subject, too! How could she not do well at her favorite subject!?
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abounding Dark Magic [Open]   Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2011 10:08 am

Daniel winced at the crestfallen expression on the girl's face. Damn, he didn't mean to crush her hopes. He couldn't help the guilt welling up in his stomach at the sight. It wasn't this girl's fault that they were taught the Dark Arts in her school from their first year. And he couldn't help but agree with her; without practising with a teacher, she was bound to fall back. Books could only get her so far. And she had been taught the Dark Arts even before she began her education. Daniel frowned, understanding how the girl must have felt. Falling behind in something you loved just because you were too young to be taught about it...it was unfair.

He looked the girl over once more. She seemed to be oozing innocence. She didn't look like a future dark witch at all. And even Hogwarts students knew jinxes and hexes from either their older siblings or simply from books. They were just forbidden to use them. Daniel himself knew a lot about the Dark Arts as well, had been researching them for a few months, and he had never been tempted to use them on anyone. (Well, maybe a bit, but nothing seriously harmful. And he never did.)

He had an idea. "Do you know which book they are studying from in your old school? I could help you learn those hexes and jinxes if you want. I mean, DADA is my best subject and you have to know the dark arts somewhat to be able to protect yourself from them." he offered and tried to comfort himself at the same time. Helping this girl with her studies will help her keep up with her class at Durmstrang and make her DADA lessons easier.

He was also thinking of inviting her to his extra defense lessons with the Professor, but he wasn't sure advanced stuff like that was suitable for a second year. Still, it could help her become number one in both her DADA class here and her Dark Arts class in Durmstrang. "If you are interested in some extra stuff, you could always come with me to Professor Beilshcmidt. He is giving me extra lessons and told me I could bring anyone with me. It will probably be advanced stuff, but he will teach us about the Dark Arts too, so you might be interested." he offered with a smile. He hoped this was enough to cheer her up somewhat.
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Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abounding Dark Magic [Open]   Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 10:20 am

Sisia looked up at the older boy, eyes wide as she took in his words. He would help her? Even if it wasn’t on par with having a teacher, having an older student tutor her would be fantastic! And she could understand the reasoning behind that, totally, like how she had inadvertently learned some Defense by learning the Dark Arts themselves. But still… He’d be willing to do that? A smile spread across her face and her eyes twinkled, as she was about to thank him, before he continued talking, and her eyes grew wide once more. Extra lessons? Learning some Dark Arts from a professor?

Absolutely delighted, the second year took a few steps forward and flung her arms around the older student’s waist in an excited hug. “Yes, thank you! I would love to!” she told Daniel, absolutely elated and completely over her boundaries, for a moment. Then, a moment later, she realized what she had just done, and quickly released him, taking a few steps back and turning bright red. Had she seriously just hugged him? She wasn’t supposed to do that, no no no! Regaining a hold of herself, though she was still majorly blushing, Sisia stammered out something quickly. “I-I’ll s-see if they have the book!” With that, she darted over to the bookcase, almost tripping on the way.

How embarrassing! Willing her blush to go away, Sisia’s eyes scanned the rows of books, fingers lightly tracing over the edges of them before she found it. Plucking it out, she turned around to present it to the Gryffindor, unable to look up and meet his eyes. “Th-They had it! ‘Basic Jinxes and Hexes for Beginners’!” It was a good thing that they had it, otherwise she would’ve had to ask her Uncle to order it for her. Though he would have done so without any questions, he might’ve asked a few if she went home for Christmas break… Ach, she didn’t want to deal with that, no!

But still… With Daniel’s help, and with a professor’s help, she was certain that she could definitely catch up to where she was supposed to be, and maybe go beyond it! After all, Dark Arts was the easiest class for her, so it shouldn’t take too much work, right? It just came rather easily to her!

[ooc: Major sorry for the wait! >.<]
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abounding Dark Magic [Open]   Abounding Dark Magic [Open] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 10:00 am

The hug took him by surprise. He wasn't expecting the girl to be that happy to have him help her with her studies. Or maybe she was just happy at the thought of the extra lessons? He became slightly saddened at the thought. He loved helping people, especially if they needed help with spells. He was even considering becoming a Defense Against the Dark Arts just so he could help others learn wonderful and exciting things. Well, he was no teacher, just a fifth year, so it would be understandable if the girl didn't want his help. Still, she didn't refuse, which meant she wouldn't really mind it if he taught her.

He was so caught up in his thought, he didn't even have the time to pat her on the back or something before she let go, turning bright red. He laughed slightly as she all but ran to the bookcase, an embarrassed expression on her face. She was so cute.

He waited for her to look for the book, staring at her back. Really, so young and already being taught the Dark Arts. Did that mean that by the time she was his age, she would have to learn seriously harmful spells as well? Truth to be told, he found the idea of learning the Dark Arts from a young age equal parts appealing and terrifying. The Dark Arts were fascinating and some of the spells could be used for self-defense effectively, but they were tempting. For some people, they were too tempting.

He was snapped out of his musings by her voice. Oh, so the Room had the book they needed. He raised an eyebrow at her. Why was she staring at his chin instead if meeting his eyes? Surely, he couldn't be that scary. "That's good." he said, smiling at her, hoping to ease her discomfort a bit. "We could begin practising now if you want. Or we could just agree on a time and meet here later in the week." he said, the excitement clear in his voice.

((Don't worry about it^^ Not to advertise or anything, but Ald and I have a thread labeled Extra Defense Lessons in the classroom sections, feel free to join of you would like to!))
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