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 Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))

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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 12, 2011 9:43 pm

Lieselotte had been up for hours, laying in bed and staring at the canopy and it's blue-violet curtains. She hadn't been able to sleep, obviously, and the feeling of being wide awake was quite annoying to the the Brunette. Sighing heavily and sitting up in bed she pushed her covers off her legs and slid out of the bed, grabbing her glasses and wand off the bedside table as she went. Stretching in her long night down, she undid the braid in her hair, the naturally somewhat curly hair revealing itself. She didn't bother to whisper the spell to straighten it, and went to her trunk. Casting Silencio she flipped the trunk open with an unaudible 'BANG' and grabbed her usual appearal outside of school, her jacket, long skirts, Long brown boots,bottomless bag, and her undershirt. Tugging off her nightgown revealing lacy panties and bra, she dressed quickly, lacing her boots expertly and her bustling skirt. Shutting her trunk she strode out of the girl's dorm quickly and quietly, entering the common room and stealing a blanket and pillow of the couch.

She had silently strode through the school, avoiding teachers, pets and ghosts. She felt the whole expierence was a drag, but this was worth it. Entering the pitch dark Quidditch Pitch she gave a pleased grin. Sitting in the middle of the field, wrapped up in the blanket she dropped the pillow on the dewy grass and laid down, staring in awe at the Sky. Billions of stars were visible in the clear sky, not a cloud in sight. The Moon was bright and full, and closing her violet eyes she basked in the moons rays.

This was perfect. Unable to do this at her own home and at her previous school she had missed the stargazing and the late night picnics her Bulter had taken her on as a child as 'astronomy lessons' showing her the stars, distant planets and constellations. He even told stories told by the centuars, usually seen as 'bullshit' from a large amount of wizards. Opening her eyes again she glanced at the sky again, searching for orion's belt and any other constellations. Insulated from the chilly cold, she was pleased to think she could stay here for a good three or four hours before the rising sun would force her to flee quickly back to her dorm.

The thought of returning was actually dreadful.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 13, 2011 4:16 pm

Just nearby near the stands of the Ravenclaw seating stood a small boy in oversized clothing with snowy white hair. He looked around before kneeling his back facing his fellow Ravenclaw not noticing her presence. He dug in his bag pulling out a small bag of crackers.

Soon after a few long minuets of waiting a few small people came out from there hiding spots. " You traveled far my friends....." The boy spoke in his natural language. He was so happy to see his old friends had followed him to this strange land. Offering the bag the small icelandic Elves dug in happily as they seemed to bond over the sweet treats.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 13, 2011 7:46 pm

Lieselotte gazed up at the stars for a little while longer before standing and dumping the blanket onto the ground and picking up her bag. Searching through it for awhile she pulled out her violin case happily and set the bag back on the blanket. Opening her case she pulled out her bow and violin and set to tuning the instrument quickly, humming all the while. She took her sweet time doing so, not raising her violin to her chin and her bow to the strings until every string was tuned perfectly.

At first she started out with a few simple scales, doing harder one's as the time past. Then, she set to playing her favorite song, The Devil's Trill. It was one of the more complex pieces she had known for a very long time, and she was obsessed with playing it. Even her bulter, who knew multiple instruments and excelled at the violin, had difficulty playing the unfinished piece.

That was depressing, know her favorite piece was unfinished and would stay that way. Playing that depression and the anger from her day into the piece, it definately sounded demonic in a beautiful, seductive way. A piece to lure one into the dark. The sharp sounds flowed together beautifully, and she closed her eyes, knowing the piece by heart.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 7:24 am

((unabashedly joining in :3))

Roderich often came here to gaze at the stars on the nights that he couldn't sleep, something that's been becoming more common ever since he came to Hogwarts. Although the Austrian had never been that into Astronomy, something he knew his cousin back home had a thing for, even he had to admit that there was something truly out of the world when it came to stargazing.

A peaceful sigh escaped his lips, the chilly air biting at his skin as the worry and stress he had been feeling throughout the day slowly vanished. The stars were so beautiful tonight. A soft voice interrupted his thoughts and he quickly turned, terrifid that he had been caught. Relief washed over him when he saw that it was just small boy, probably a year or two younger than him and a Ravenclaw judging by the blue striped scarf around his neck. In his hand he held a bag of sweets, which caused Roderich's sweet tooth to instantly act up, "Excuse me, may I have some?"
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 9:45 am

((Can't let Roderich be the only Gryffindor here ^^))

Daniel couldn't sleep. At all. He had tried everything to fall asleep, from humming to himself, to counting sheep, but nothing seemed to work. Although, the loud snoring of his room mate might have had to do something with it. He groaned into his pillow. That sound was grating on his nerves! With a sigh, Daniel got up. He couldn't stay in his room anymore. With a small sound he opened his trunk and got his broom out. Maybe a little flying around could help him get sleepy enough to ignore this noise.

Not caring that he was still wearing his night clothes, Daniel sat on his broom and flew out the window. He had no real destination in mind, so, probably out of habit, his broom took him towards the Quidditch Field. He didn't really mind. Being alone on the Quidditch Field at night had a certain charm to it. And it was a pretty good spot for stargazing.

However, when he flew close enough to the Field, he could hear music coming from it, which meant he was not alone. Daniel raised an eyebrow. Who would be out so late playing music on the Field? Now he was curious. He flew into the Field and was surprised to find not one, but three people there. Was there some kind of party or what? It didn't seem like that. Two males (or at least he thought they were males, it was dark after all) seemed to be surrounded by elves, eating a bag of sweets. He stared for a moment. What were elves doing in the Field?

Then he looked at the third occupant of the Field. It was a girl in a long dress, playing the violin. Oh, so that's where the music came from. He stared at the girl. She looked somewhat familiar, maybe he had seen her around before. Oh well. He shrugged it off and lied back on his broom. Watching the stars with some beautiful music to listen to? It seemed like a very nice way to pass the time.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 9:56 pm

(( Invading Gryffindorks! We must beat them back!))

Lieselotte kept playing different songs, every so often coming back to The Devil's Trill, completely on accident. She mostly stuck to Bach's solos; Sonatas and Partitas alike, playing with a content and joyful feeling she never had with anything else except for work with a foil or sword. She felt like one with the music, numb to everything, even her surroundings, something she couldn't do otherwise. Her paranoia a her need to know what was going on around her ensured that.

Playing, and Playing to the music she danced around, enjoying the chance to bask under the stars and play her music. Her fellow Ravenclaws tended to get peeved if she played in the dorms, seeing the longer she played the louder the music got and she would switch it up a bit, playing the Violin and the more 'Fiddle' style. She sighed at that, pausing in her dancing and opening her eyes. What a waste they were, not loving the music. Shame.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 11:03 am

((I'm so sorry! The posting order should have been Lieselotte > Eydís > Roderich > Daniel... but where are you Eydís? T-T))

Roderich was too focused on those sweets to notice the small Elves that had surrounded the boy. His sweet tooth often caused him lose focus when it came to cakes or sweets of any kind and his mother had always said it would be the death of him someday. He couldn't help but agree.

The Austrian couldn't count the number of times he had been bribed into doing things he would never do because of it. He faintly recalled breaking into the Ravenclaw common room at the promise of cake and an incident in the kitchen where a certain Danish ghost had snuck up on him while he had been too absorbed in his baking to notice, causing him to drop the pastry he had been holding. What a waste.

Standing there, Roderich remembered his manners and realized he hadn't introduced himself yet. "My apoligies," he said, offering his hand for the other to shake, "Roderich Edelstein, Gryffindor sixth year. And you are?" The Austrian waited patiently for the boy to respond. However, at that moment his ears perked up to the sound of a violin playing a very familiar piece, one of his favourites in fact - the Devil's Trill. His head turned towards the middle of the Quidditch field where the source of it was. Who could be playing such a complex piece? And without a single mistake?

Curiosity overtook him and before he knew it, he was standing behind them, watching as they swayed and danced to the music, switching to different songs before coming back to the Devil's Trill. Roderich couldn't believe what he was seeing, his mouth hung open and his eyes widened in shock, but there was no denying it - the person that stood before him was his cousin. "Lilo?" The nickname slipped from his mouth before he could stop it. What was she doing here? Shouldn't she be back in Berlin studying magic?
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 5:41 pm

((Well, I'm going to be a meanie and take up a spot here -the last one I think- Cause this thread needs some Slytherin awesomeness~))

This was a rare thing. It was something that would boogle the minds of the people that thought they knew Gilbert inside out.

He was doing his homework.

For the past three hours Gilbert had been sitting in the Slytherin common room and was going through this huge pile of homework that needed to be done for the next day- or should we say later today, seeing as it was now around 2AM. The bored to tears albino had just finished his last report- muggle interactions throughout wizard history- and his body screamed for fresh air. Being stuck in the basement was not only cold, stuffy, and way to quite; it also blocked Gilbert from seeing the nightsky becasue of the lack of windows. That was the only reason Gilbert didn't mind staying in the basement at his home Germany- even it had small windows so it didn't feel like he was trapped in a box.

Quickly deciding that a nightwalk would be a nice reward for doing his homework, the Slythrin quickly packed up the reports and hurried to his bed. Dumping his work on his sheets, he grabbed his leather gloves, scarf, cloak, boots, and just for safety- his wand. Letting Gilbird out of his cage so he could join him, the albino was ready to go. Just as he turned around, a lonely brown object caught his eye. His unused Sliver Arrow leaning against his bed seemed to call to him, begging to go for a ride. After a moment of staring at the broom, Gilbert grabbed it and hurried out of the dorms.

After climbing all the stairs and advoiding the night patrol, Gilbert was rewarded with a sky full of shimmering stars. He waisted no time in climbing onto his broom and flying off into the chilly night air. After flying for a moment or two, another flyer caought his eye. Someone else is out at this hour? Interesting~ Flying towards the other his ears picked up the sound of music. Sadly, it sounded like classical, and that's no fun. As they got closer to the Quidditch Field- Gilbert asumed that it was the other's destionation- he saw some other figures down below. So that's where the music came from.

Speeding up so he was flying side by side with the other flyer, he noticed that it was that Gryffindor- what's his name- Danny or something like that.
"'Sup Griffy! Out for a nightly fly too?"
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 6:05 pm

((haha, I doubt it matters anymore. Our pattern is Fwucked XD Nice to have you join Gil.. ))

The nickname was faint in the wind, carrying softly and almost went unheard. Head shooting up, cutting of mid-song she glanced around hopefully, looking for the male that was almost identical to her. Spotting him near the Ravenclaw stands she grinned widely, and expression that felt funny and extremely foreign on her face. "Roddy!" She knelt quickly, placing the violin back in it's case with all the care her shaking hands could manage. Standing and smoothing her skirts, she strode over to her cousin, leaving the violin case on the blanket. "Roderich!" She said cheerifully, smiling softly. She wrapped her taller cousin into a hug, standing on the tip of her boots to kiss his cheek.

"My, My! Look at how tall you've gotten! So handsome as well." She pulled away, smoothing out her skirt again and flicking that awkward wayward curl on top of her head back into place. Once upon a time she had been taller than him, for a very long time as well. Now, he was just barely taller than her, but still, he was taller. "I haven't seen you in ages...." She sighed out, her violet eyes looking into his. Smoothing out her expression, she giggled. "Look at me, doing all this talking.... What are you doing out here, dearest cousin of mine?" She inquired as politely as she could manage. Her more motherly instincts demanded she hugged him again and complained about how thin he was looking.
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 12:32 pm

Daniel sat up on his broom, assuming that 'Griffy' was him. He turned his broom in the direction of the newcomer. He was that albino he met at the lake a few days ago, wasn't he? Gil, Gilbert? He flew closer to the albino and smiled at him. "Yupp. Needed a break from all that studying and stuff. Are you out this late to relax too?" he asked.

In the back of his mind he wondered why it was so silent. Then he realized; the music had stopped. Oh well. The girl probably got tired of playing, which wasn't surprising. It was extremely late/early after all. He turned his attention back on the boy. "You're a Slytherin, right? And your name is...Gilbert?" he asked, a bit unsure about the later one.

"Can I ask two questions?"
he asked, deciding to try and befriend the boy. "What is the type of your broom and do you play Quidditch?" Quidditch was always a good topic to talk about.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 3:25 am

((Let's make it Lieselotte > Daniel > Roderich > Gilbert -demands order- >:D Eydís, you can pop in anytime if you feel like it~))

Roderich was suddenly swept up into a tight hug from his slightly shorter cousin that left him nearly gasping for breath. He still couldn't believe it was really her, he hadn't seen his cousin in ages despite the fact that they went to the same school together. After a while he relaxed, smiling softly as he returned the hug, wrapping his arms around her and finding it cute that she had to stand on her tiptoes to be able to kiss him.

He loved his cousin dearly and had to resist the urge to pull her into another hug as he reluctantly released her, an oddly affectionate gesture coming from the Austrian. "I could ask you the same thing, Lieselotte," he replied, "Why are you not in Berlin?" His violet eyes swept over her, comparing notes with the last time he had seen his cousin. "You have not changed a bit," he chuckled slightly, "Still as beautiful as ever, I see."
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 12:04 am

((Works for me~))

A smile flickered on the Slytherin's pale lips, "Kesesese, yup. I needed to get out of the basement, the place is too stuffy." Humming to himself his eyes glanced around breifly, to make sure he wasn't going to crash into anything. See that it was safe he looked back at the other. "What were you studying? I was stuck doing a Muggle report."

That classical music had stopped, which- to Gilbert- was better than when it was playing. "Yup, the best Slytherin in this school!" He smiled at the other, red eyes twinkling, "Glad you could remember my awesome name! Your that Gryffindor I met a while ago..." Crap, he couldn't remember his name, it started with a 'D'.... "Héderváry, right?" Now why in Gott's name did he say that? Oh well, Gilbert wasn't good with names anyway, so he could use that as an excuse.

The albino snickered, "Kesesesese, you already did. But sure." He raised an eyebrow, Quidditch? He patted his broom affectionetly,
"This baby is a Silver Arrow. I know it's out of date, but she kicks ass. And I sure do- I'm one of the Beaters. What about you? Do you play?"
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 4:01 pm

Lieselotte giggled, smacking the taller's arm gently. "Don't be such a liar, I'm surprised girls just don't eat you up." She rolled her eyes, pushing back falling bangs from her face. She blatently ignored Roderich's attempt to try and tell her she was indeed quite beautiful and carried on. "The reason I'm not in Berlin? I was invited here, mother made sure Father couldn't pull any moves to keep me under his thumb and near those social events and circles." There was no need to mention her mother, despite never being around, worried about her when she had thrown herself into her studies and became quite thin and sickly when she was unable to to the few things she loved to do. Most of her parents arguements circled around her.

She wondered sometimes when Father was going to announce he planned to make a proper heir, a male, and marry his daughter off to a equally or (unlikely) more weathly family in their social groups. Throwing those thoughts away she shot Roderich another soft smile, marred only by the slight way she worried her lower lip between her teeth.

Last edited by Lieselotte Edelstein on Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 04, 2011 6:05 am

He adjusted his position on his broom, getting a bit more comfortable. He nodded at the other. "Yeah, I have no idea how you guys can function, living in the basement. I think I would die down there." he said honestly. To live in the dark basement, so close to the Potions classroom would have been a nightmare come true for Daniel. Speaking of Potions..."I was trying to write a Potions essay." he said, groaning at the end. "God, how I hate Potions."

He raised an eyebrow at Gilbert. Best Slytherin, huh? "Yeah, but I prefer Daniel or Dani. I don't like being so formal." Calling each other by their last names would make it seem like they were on bad terms, which they weren't. At least he hoped so.

He grinned at the albino widely. "A Silver Arrow? How would you get your hands on one? And yupp, I do. I'm a Chaser. "
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 11:08 am

((I'm sure I'm gonna hit myself in the morning once I read this again. My imagination has been sucked dry by my English hw ;A;))

"You were invited here as well? Why is it that Mother never told me this?" Roderich noticed the way his cousin bit lightly at her bottom lip, giving away the fact that something was bothering her beneath that soft smile of hers. He frowned. Based on personel experience, he could probably guess what was worrying her. He had been confronted with the same problem by his mother just before he came to Hogwarts.

The Austrian silently contemplated on whether he should tell her or not. "Did you know? Mother has apparently found me a suitable bride. If she has her way, I will be married by the time I graduate." He spied the blanket Lieselotte had carefully placed her violin upon and walked towards it, pulling his cousin's arm gently as he did so. "I somehow managed to convince her to call off the engagement, not that it was much of one anyway, but to be honest, I don't think I can avoid the subject for much longer." Roderich looked pointedly at the other. "I don't think we'll be able to avoid it for much longer.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 07, 2011 9:05 pm

The albino's lips pulled into a quirky smile, his short silver locks being tossed this way and that by the wind. "The basement isn't too bad, just can't spend too much time in it. Need fresh air every once in a while, ya'know?" Giving his head a little toss to get the hair out from his eyes, he saw that they were really close to the Quidditch Field. Gilbert could almost see the shadowed figures on the ground. Glowing red eyes locked with the Gryffindor's, "You take Potions class? I love that class!" It's one of the few I attend.... "The essays suck, but you can easily pay a someone else to write them for you." He gave a slight shrug, there was nothing wrong if he gave the kid money for writting his essays, it wasn't like he was beating him up or anything.

He gave a wider smile, "Sure thing Dani, as long as you call me Gilbert- or if you must, Gil- I'll remember to call you that." Though, he figured that he might forget his name again soon.

The Slytherin's eyes sparkled with excitment, "I found it in a muggle house. They asked my brother to house sit for them and I tagged along for the ride. I don't know how they got this baby, but they had it in their basement collecting dust. I figured they wounldn't miss it if I took it and fixed it up." The silly muggles, they must have figured that it was just an old style broom! "Chaser, huh? Can't wait to meet you in the game." He gave a little chuckle.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 6:39 pm

((OOC: what the hell is this BS I wrote? ))
Lieselotte walked with her cousin, keeping the pace and looking at the stars, avoiding his rather pointed look. She sighed softly, and a delicate hand came to push up her glasses, catching the flash of her bare fingers on her left hand. "Marriage..." She muttered rather dully, worrying her lower lip much more noticeably now. "I'd.... like to marry for love if I ever did." She spared her cousin a rather sad smile, releasing the hold her teeth had on her lip. "Of course, It's very unlikely...." She sat on the blanket, tucking her legs under her and her skirts, her violin coming to rest in her lap. Pushing her hair back again, she released yet another lengthy sigh. "Everything's for social, political and business reasons these days with our family, isn't it?" She hummed, meeting her cousin's eyes and then looking back at the stars, her glasses flashing for a moment from the moon's luminous glow.

"Jesus..." She muttered under her breath. "How terrible will it be to do that to our own children in the future? Be so cold to them like Uncle and Father are..." She wrapped her arms around herself, leaning against her cousin. "Promise me... we won't drift apart like they did. Even as cousins, I'd rather us stay close and not become Enemies unless the Family named called for getting along, especially in parties and such, like they did... And never treat our kids so cruelly. " Her voice has gone from soft to rather sharp and back to soft by the end. She couldn't stand for how they had been treated, especially towards the activities they loved more than life, or at least, that's how it was to her.

She had resigned herself. If the family called for her to make sacrifices, she would make them. Loveless marriage? Go ahead, but she wouldn't treat her children terribly. Nor her cousin and his eventual children. She would make the best of her ruined life... If only she could believe that.
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2011 3:30 pm

A groan almost made it's way through his lips, but luckily he held it back. Why couldn't he meet someone who didn't like Potions for once? It would be refreshing. Seriously, he couldn't be the only person to hate that stupid class, right?

Daniel raised an eyebrow at the albino. "Pay someone to do them for you? What's the point in that? You write essays to learn." Yeah, that was the answer of a proper, diligent, goody-two shoes. (Un?)fortunately, Daniel wasn't one of those. "Although, paying someone to do my Potions essay doesn't sound all that bad...and they do owe me for their DADA and Transfiguration homework..."

Daniel whistled. "Whoa, seriously? Lady Luck must love you." Finding such a broom in the basement of a muggle house? This guy must be a killer poker player with luck like that. He grinned at the Slytherin widely. "Can't wait either."

Hearing some pieces of a conversation, he looked down at the pitch, wondering who they were coming from. Maybe it was the girl with the violin from a few minutes ago? He could see two figures, obviously male and female, huddled together under the moonlight. Was he flying over a couple trying to have a romantic date? Ooops...
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeWed Sep 14, 2011 7:23 am

((Pfffff, Roddy and Lilo sure are close xD Prepare for unedited ramblings~))

Roderich walked silently beside his cousin, his look turning worried as he listened attentively to her words. Keeping a firm and gentle hold on her right arm, he guided Lieselotte towards the blanket carefully laid out on the grass. The Austrian quietly hummed in agreement, relinquishing his grip and sitting himself down beside his cousin. Identical violet eyes met for a moment before turning towards the night sky.

Indeed, every choice they had made, and every choice that had been made for them so far, had been for the purpose of business, social or political. A wry smile took over his features. Marry for love? Such a foolish notion. He had never heard of such a thing occurring within their family. His parents tolerated each other, and had even grown to enjoy each others company, but they had never shared any romantic feelings with each other. Besides, love and marriage had nothing in common; they were as far apart as the poles. Although...

His eyes drifted shut, a wistful expression on his face. Marry for love? Perhaps, such a thing, wouldn't be so bad... "If only the world worked that way," Roderich muttered aloud. His eyes fluttered open as his cousin spoke again, her voice barely audible. A surprised gasp escaped his lips as Lieselotte moved to lean against him. "Lilo...?" Her words were bitter and sharp, and he wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders, affectionately playing with her hair and leaning his head against her's, in an attempt to calm her down. "Ich verspreche," he whispered quietly, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 9:20 pm

Gilbert snorted at the bunet's answer. That was such a Gryffindor answer if he ever heard one. "No, you go to class to learn. Writting essays is just a pain in the ass- that's why you get other people to do it for you." He couldn't help wrinkling his nose in mock disgust, "owe you? You mean you do other people's homework? Dude," he gave a little shake of his head, red eyes twinkling with mirth. "That's so lame. But I could totally get my brother to do it for you! I have this perfect peice of black mail that I have been dying to use on him..." Gilbert's strangle little chuckle passed through his lips, "Kesesesesese...."

A laugh, "Well, I am pretty awesome. It's no surprise that she's on my side." One of his hands released it's hold on the broom and he buffed his nails on his scarf, his tone was joking of coruse. "What about you? Any cool story behind your broom?"

The albino noticed Danny's eyes trail downward, following, he too noticed a couple of shadows. But, he didn't even think that they might be intrupting a date or whatnot. Instead, his mind went to "Oh cool, more people to hang out with!" and with a 'follow me' gesture towards Danny he flew down closer.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 3:23 pm

"Good." She murmured curtly, loosening her grip on her cousin. The stress and anxiety that had come over her in her tirade disappeared quickly, and now she felt light, relief seeping through her from her core to her aura, noticeably visible. That seemingly minute promise meant the world to her at this moment. Knowing that the 'next gen' were going to do there best to get along definitely undid her frazzled nerves. She promised her self to work on that, becoming frazzled so easily would most definitely not by her any points with her father and his crowd.

Peering up to the sky she spotted the brooms coming closer and sighed. "Company." She murmured, getting comfortable. Any other time she wouldn't have minded it, but she had just showed a rather unusual amount of emotions and they were interrupting her 'cousin time'. Oh well, she could suck it up and pull on a polite mask and play nice. That is, unless they annoyed her, it was rather late and she wasn't sure her grasp on her emotions was working as well as it was with sleep. (And it obviously wasn't, not that she was going to admit that herself quite yet. )
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Former Male!Hungary

Former Male!Hungary

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Join date : 2011-07-07
Age : 30
Location : Hogwarts

Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2011 1:19 pm

He shrugged at the Slytherin's words. "I help them with their homework, I don't do it for them. " Doing other people's homework would be much too reminiscent. He quickly beat back a surge of memories and concentrated on what the albino had said. "Ah, no thanks, no need to burden your brother."

He raised an eyebrow at the other's laugh. It was pretty...unique. He grinned. "Of course you are. And nah, not really, I just got my baby as a present." For having the best grades in his year for four year, actually. But he wasn't going to tell him that.

He stared blankly after the albino. Didn't he care that they would possibly interrupt a romantic date or something? He sighed and followed him, his guilty conscience already acting up.
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Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN))   Why Am I up at two in the morning again? ((OPEN)) Icon_minitime

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