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 Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2011 8:31 pm

When she had first come to teach here at Hogwarts, she had expected nonstop rain, and thus had begged the Headmaster to either make a covered walkway to the greenhouses or to let her have a classroom inside that she could convert into something similar to a greenhouse. That way her students wouldn't get soaked on their way to class and she wouldn't have to deal with sick students.

Unfortunately for her, the headmaster choose the second option - claiming that it was the better option (though she knew it was just because he was cheap) - and so now, whenever it rained, she had to trek from her beautiful greenhouses up into the castle. Just as she was doing now.

And, unfortunately for her, the caretaker, and any students who happened to pass by before the caretaker, she was drenched. This left her in a terrible mood because, as much as she appreciated the rain for watering the plants that no one else bothered to notice, she did not appreciated being watered like one of those plants. Grumbling as she walked to her classroom, Aleta squeezed the water from her hair. Her wand was tucked away inside her sleeve and her sleeve was plastered to her skin; otherwise she would have taken the wand out and dried herself off.

Too busy trying in vain to get rid of all of the water, the teacher didn't notice any of the students in her way and put the task of avoiding a collision squarely on their shoulders. If they crashed into each other, they had only themselves to blame for it. She quickly turned the corner, speeding up now that her classroom was in sight. Soon, soon she would be dry.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 18, 2011 4:00 am

It was strange how everyone seemed to be upset on days that it rained. Dominik was pretty sure that a little water wasn't going to kill any of them. The way some of the other students were looking out the window in disdain would have told him otherwise if he didn't know better. Maybe it was because he hadn't spent the last few years here like many of the students, but the castle was still plenty amazing enough on its own to entertain him for the day. It was so large with so many unexplored places. Outside was pretty overrated at times. Besides, if they had really wanted it to stop, he was pretty sure they would have used the old trick of sticking an axe in the courtyard. Then again, it seemed that he was the only one with knowledge of that particular piece of folklore so it wouldn't have really crossed anyone else's mind as a hopeful solution to their problems...

Unfortunately, the lack of being able to really go on the school grounds outside without being drenched meant something that no one was fond of. The halls had way more people than normal in them trying to get to various places all over the castle. Some people were late and in a hurry, others walked in a painfully slow fashion. Dominik much preferred the fast walkers, because at least they left in a hurry without causing too much delay or trouble for others. Or, at least that is what he would would have told someone if they were to have asked about 10 minutes prior to now.

Dominik hadn't really been paying much attention to what everyone else was doing around him when he was walking. Normally this act didn't cause too much damage. Occasionally he would step on someone's foot or brush someone's arm, but those could be remedied with a simple apology. When he walked close to the wall, that cut out one side of having to worry over people, so he was sticking to that wall.

What he wasn't expecting was someone moving very fast to barrel him over. In his point of view, all he saw was a flash of robes in the shaped of a person, feel a sudden wetness hit him, and a sudden pain. The suddenness of everything caused a small yelp from him. The confusion of the situation made him not really process anything, and the next think he knew, he was on the floor. Fortunately, he was able to catch himself with his hands before his head or anything important hit the floor. It still wasn't the most pleasant experience. Still unsure of what had knocked him over, he looked upwards as soon as he processed that he was alright for the most part. Sadly, the look came off a bit angry at first but who could blame him? "Oww oww oww..." he mumbled a bit to himself.

Perhaps it was a stroke of bad luck, but he was pretty sure he had somehow managed to get whacked in the face with a hand that seemed to be near her hair. Dominik brought a hand to his nose where it seemed to hurt a he looked up. Upon noticing that it was clearly a teacher and not another student, his expression softened. He felt a bit silly, being knocked down by a woman like that. It being a teacher he recognized was even more embarrassing. "O..oh! Mrs. Carriedo I didn't see you there. Sorry about that." Even though he was the one on the floor holding his face, he still felt it was better to apologize. Touching teachers was weird business no matter the circumstance.
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 19, 2011 11:28 pm

It wasn't that Aleta hated rain; she really did love it, for how green it made everything. However, she had often been told as a child that playing in the rain was the best way to get sick and she absolutely hated being sick. The weakness that came with it, the inability to function like a normal human being, it was all terrible.

Lost in thought, she was decidedly knocked out of said thought by the sudden collision with a human shaped thing. Blinking a few times to clear away the confusion caused by the collision, she looked down to see a student giving her an angry looking face. It probably said something about her that her first reaction was to think about how cute the kid looked rather than the blatant disrespect that she was being shown.

Crouching down to look the kid over, she noticed the distinct signs of pain and felt guilty for hurting him. "What hurts the most?" She asked, managing to pry her wand out of her sleeve and start casting various diagnostic spells on him. Knowing healing spells was one thing she felt all teachers should know how to do, even if it did rob the school healer of a job.

Aleta helped him to his feet, drying any of the spots on him that got wet during the collision. She also dried herself off, since she already had her wand out and was drying things anyway. She waved off his apologies, casting spells on his nose to get rid of some of the pain. "It was just as much my fault as it was yours, don't worry." She said, looking over him for any other visible signs of pain.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 3:15 pm

Dominik wondered what he had done in life to deserve this little bit of embarrassment. Since they were in a corridor, there were of course other students around. It wasn't that the two of them were causing a big scene or anything, but he could feel the glances of passing students and for once he was glad that he seemed to not have many people to call his friends to recognize him and laugh. He hated being babied by people older than himself too, especially people like teachers, so this made things a bit more embarrassing. That is why he was relieved when she helped him up off the floor. Though he could have done it himself, he appreciated the gesture.

At first, he wasn't exactly sure what else she was doing. The answer made itself clear when the little bits of his clothes that had gotten wet from the sudden collision were now dry as if nothing had happened. That was nice. Showing up to class later with random spots on his clothes wouldn't have been very nice. Apparently since Dominik had been holding his nose, she got the hint and he dropped his hand from the area. Even if it hurt and he wasn't sure exactly what she was doing, he was pretty sure that a teacher wouldn't curse off his nose...at least in public like this. "I'm fine, I think you just hit my nose wrong." Dominik sniffled and wrinkled up his nose slightly to make sure it was indeed still there and working properly.

Honestly he really didn't see how this was his fault, but he wasn't about to argue. Sure he could be feisty at times, but even he knew when to hold his tongue in a situation. He kept his thoughts on the subject to himself. Even if she was doing things to his nose, it still didn't feel quite right. "Ah, you don't think it is going to bleed, do you?" Dominik found himself looking to her again, and couldn't help but sniffling again to try to reassure his nose that it really didn't want to do that right now.
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2011 1:10 pm

Feeling the eyes of the people passing them - including teachers, which meant that she was going to be avoiding the staff room for a while - Aleta quickly went about taking care of the two of them. She raised an eyebrow, tapping his nose with her wand. "Your nose will be fine hun, don't worry." She gave him a slight smile and gathered up her things. Making sure that all of them were alright from their drop to the floor, she looked up at him. "It's not going to bleed and if it is, it's not going to bleed enough for you to really notice."

"I am sorry for running into you though, really." She nodded, hesitating a moment before deciding that prolonging this moment would just make things even more awkward for the two of them. There was no reason to drag it out, especially since she still had to get to her class on time so she could get things set up quickly enough to avoid wasting time. Which she was doing by getting distracted. "Goodbye now." Aleta nodded to him and turned to leave.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 1:06 am

This woman was not a doctor. Dominik had never really spoken to her personally and that made her as good as a stranger in his book. Usually he wasn't one to trust strangers with much, especially his well being. Still, there was something reassuring about hearing that he would be okay. Yes, he quite obviously wasn't deathly injured, but no one liked a nose bleed. The part about it perhaps still doing it a little wasn't quite as reassuring, but it would have to do for now. One more little sniffle of testing told Dominik that he really did seem to be fine. Whether it was from not being hit hard enough in the first place, or whatever the professor had done after, it was a good feeling.

"It's fine. I'm sorry too." he said before she began to walk off even if he thought it wasn't his fault. Yes, he didn't think it was the best situation still, but at least an apology was alright. This woman was the herbology professor, meaning that she would probably have to go outside and get soaked again. Hopefully if she came back in, she wouldn't crash into anymore poor and unsuspecting students. At least his time was over with that ordeal, since she was walking away.

...or maybe he could save anyone else for having to deal with that embarrassment. "Professor!" he raised his voice just loud enough and started following her to catch up with her stride.
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 1:03 pm

Aleta knew that hurrying after what had just happened was perhaps not the brightest idea, but her classroom was right there, and she could see the students crowding around outside the door waiting for her to let them all in. And she so hated to leave students waiting like that when they wouldn't even be able to go outside and spend some time in the sun. She felt bad for them, knowing that her class was really the only time when they got to go outside. Well, unless they took Care of Magical Creatures but still.

Pausing and looking back at the student she had run into when he called out to her - well, to any professor, but she had to check to make sure - she tilted her head in question. "Yes? What can I help you with?" She wondered, a small confused smile crossing her face. Why would he want to talk with her?
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 01, 2011 9:55 pm

Trying to forget any annoyances that were still lingering from the beginning of their meeting, Dominik put on a semi-smile. With this, he closed the distance between them both when he caught up to her again. "Well, it isn't what you can do for me really. It is more of what I can do for you." Hopefully she would actually stay and listen. Or, at least she would find it nice if he was offering her advice, he hoped. Maybe this is why back home he got called a teacher's pet on occasion for giving teachers silly advice. That was such a funny thing for them to say too given his thoughts on teachers in life.

"You are going to be going back outside eventually, right?" With this, he shifted his vision over to a nearby window for a moment to make a point of the clearly bad weather that didn't look like it was showing any signs of clearing up anytime soon. Neither of them needed to be a weather reporter to be able to tell that. "What if I told you that I had a way that might make it stop so you didn't have to get wet again?" 'and hurt other student's faces' he mentally added. That was just a thought for his brain and no one else's though.
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2011 11:46 pm

Whenever students offered to do something for her, Aleta always got nervous. She knew that logically, having the students help with things made them easier, but she couldn't stand having someone younger than her giving that help. It made her feel as if she were too old to do anything. And then she realized that this student in particular was offering her advice and she relaxed. "Oh no, I'm not going outside anymore today. I just needed to get something from the greenhouses. It's very kind of you to offer that to me but I don't really need it." She explained to him.

While waiting to see if he really needed anything else, she heard one of the alarms go off to indicate that it was now time to be in class or else the students would be late. She looked back at her classroom and waved her wand in the direction, unlocking the door for them. "Would you like me to write you a pass so you don't get detention for being late?" Aleta wondered, straightening out slightly.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 04, 2011 12:59 am

"What? Really?" Dominik almost sounded disappointed as he answered the professor. It wasn't like he was going to be doing anything horribly out of the way to help her. He had just been planning on telling her the advice. Though he didn't see Professor Carriedo very often, she was always in the greenhouses when he did see her. He swore she lived there or something. "Are you sure?" He figured trying once more wouldn't hurt.

There was the bell signaling that he was late once again. It was a very bad habit, but he was more often than not late for classes. It wasn't just at Hogwarts. Back home at school it was the same, and even with friends and family. He was just a fashionably late kind of guy. Teachers never found it an admirable quality though. Dominik figured that if she was offering, he might as well take her up on the offer. That way he could be late as usual and not get scolded or threatened with detention by the teacher. "That would actually be great if you wouldn't mind. I have a far walk."
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 04, 2011 2:47 pm

Aleta bit her lip, noticing the disappointed tone in the student's voice. "Yes, really. I mean, you could still tell me what it is you wanted to, but I'm not going outside again today." She nodded and pulled her books closer to herself, straightening her shoulders. "I'm quite sure young man." Aleta gestured towards her classroom, indicating for him to start walking.

She herself starting walking as well, nodding. "I would hate for you to get in trouble for something that was my fault. Writing you a pass won't be any trouble at all." She walked into her class and quickly got it settled down, giving anyone who tried to disobey her a sharp look. Pulling out one of her passes and quickly filling out the information she knew, she looked back at him. "What's your name and where are you going?"
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2011 1:21 am

As she wanted, Dominik walked towards her. In the least, she was willing to listen. Though it obviously wasn't what he wanted in the first place which was to have her actually willing to go through with it, this as a nice and temporary alternative. If she didn't even bother to listen, it honestly would have left him in a rather annoyed mood with her. Teachers tended to annoy him in general so she already had two things going against her in his mind.

"I'm Dominik Vasilescu. You spell it with K, not C." It was a common spelling error with his name, but it was always frustrating to see it written down wrong because it didn't feel like it was his own. Then again, there was his last name that sounded similar to a sneeze but he didn't bother to mention the spelling with that one. "I'm going to history of magic." Now he would be safe from troubles. Great.

That wasn't what he had really wanted to tell her though. He took the professor writing the note as time to talk. "But about what I was saying. I heard this story and I always wondered if it would work. It is supposed to stop the rain." There were so many courtyards in this place that it had to work. He never had the opportunity to try at home since he didn't have one of those at his house. School always seemed like the only place to do it. "Do you have an axe though?" He looked at her, saying it in the same type of voice someone would use to ask to borrow something innocent like a pencil as opposed to a potentially deadly weapon.
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 14, 2011 6:25 am

Aleta quickly wrote out his name, making sure to spell his first name correctly. It was a bit obvious that he cared about the spelling of that part, since he had actually pointed it out to her. She would have used the 'c' if he hadn't. She supposed that she could understand where this Dominik was coming from. Aleta paused over his last name, looking over at him to see if he was going to spell that for her. When he made no signs of doing so, she simply put a 'V' in the place of a mangled version of his last name.

Signing the pass, she handed it to him. "There you go." She tilted her head as he started talking about the rain thing he had mentioned earlier. "It would be nice if something could actually stop the rain." Only on certain occasions though. Weddings and birthdays and things like that. Aleta blinked and stared slightly as he mentioned the axe part. "... Not with me, no. What part does the axe play?" She wondered, turning to the board and tapping it with her wand to make the notes for today appear.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 15, 2011 1:54 am

Dominik took the pass from the professor, giving it a quick examination as he did so. He didn't stare at is, as he didn't want her to think he was a creep. A glimmer of satisfaction came over him when he saw that she has actually listened to his statement. He didn't even double think not having his last name there, since that was common practice of most teachers. He was pretty sure he was the only Dominik V in the school anyways. "Thank you Professor. I appreciate it greatly." That solved problem number one.

"The axe is one of the most important parts of the entire process. Without it the plan will fail." he explained, watching her make notes appear on the board. This action only reminded him how much better it was being in someone else's classroom than his own even if it involved talking to the woman who basically just punched his face. "You go into the biggest courtyard you can find, with the axe. Then you stick it in the middle." It was a simple explanation, but it was something most other people didn't think of. "It cuts the rain short so it leaves." Dominik had never tried it but the books on Romanian witchcraft had made it sound pretty convincing.
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 16, 2011 9:34 pm

She nodded, giving him a quick smile. "It was my fault you needed it, so... " Except not really, because if he hadn't stopped to talk with her about the axe thing he would have been on time to his class and then he wouldn't have needed the pass in the first place. But Aleta wasn't going to argue this one. And he was still talking about the axe thing. He did realize the pass wouldn't work if he missed the entire class, right?

Putting on another smile to show that she would never think of a student as a total idiot, she gave him her attention while her actual students took down the notes. "That's certainly very interesting. I'll have to try it at some point." Because she did actually own an axe and, while the rain was nice, she wouldn't mind there being less of it in the world. "You should really be getting to class though Dominik." She wasn't even going to attempt to pronounce his last name. Aleta would probably just insult him.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 3:38 pm

It wasn't really exactly the Professor's fault. Dominik was fully aware that he would have been late somehow anyways. It always happened. There were more occasions when he was late than on time in life. If he was early, one should know that a miracle just occurred in front of their eyes. He was quite thankful at the moment that all the other students in the class he was currently invading were the ones having to take notes and not him. Ah, the perks of being late. Very rarely did he actually have any other type of excuse though.

"You'll really give it a try?" That was great news. Usually, for whatever reason in the world, people usually dismissed Dominik's ideas as silly and never tried them. It was their loss in his opinion, but it never failed to make him frustrated. Half the time they believed he was joking when he was serious. "You should do it later before the rain stops." Though at the rate the rain outside was falling when he last looked out the window, it wouldn't be stopping soon. He glanced to the students who were taking notes. "Oh, and when you don't have class." That was right, as she kindly reminded him. He himself had class to be attending to now too. Dominik was quite aware that we was already pushing his own luck, so took the invitation to leave. "Right, sorry Professor. I'll go now. At least tell me if it works, alright?" He lingered behind, waiting for some sort of confirmation, though it was clear in his shift of body that he planned on leaving after he received an answer.
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 11:32 pm

"Yes, I'll really try it. Even if it doesn't work, it'll still be fun to try it out." Because there was the possibility that Aleta was a bit in love with violence and enjoyed playing with dangerous things. But only the slight possibility. She gave him a smile and nodded faintly. "I'll probably do it after this class. Goodbye now Dominik." She waved faintly and then dismissed him, turning her attention to her class and actually explaining the notes to them. Because it was incredibly unfair to them that she had ignored them for so long in favor of a student who might be just a bit insane.

And if it hadn't been for her class, she would have continued on talking with him. He was certainly a creative sounding student, with a strange way of looking at things. People like that always turned out to be the most interesting ones to talk with.
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Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed]   Students Are Meant to be Wallflowers, Not Boulders [Dominik] [Closed] Icon_minitime

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