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 Searching for Beauty [Aleta]

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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 6:06 am

Marianne was bored. Really, very, truly bored, which was quite unusual for her. Usually in her moments of boredom she wouldn't stop until she found entertainment, be it dancing, singing, or most of of the time flirting. But of course there were no ballet studios in such a place. And she was in no mood to sing. And, worst of all, there weren't any interesting people around here! Those stupid, stuck-up, useless Brits were too ugly, too dull, none of them worthy of her attention. Occasionally she did spot a more or less good-looking person, most of whom were obviously foreign, but they disappeared from her line of sight quickly.

As she was walking around in the corridors, looking for one of those half-decent exchange students or a stuffy Brit to annoy, she overheard a pair of students talking something about greenhouses. Marianne almost squeaked in excitement but controlled her reaction. Of course, the Herbology classes here were held in greenhouses! While she thought that it was disgusting and she would most likely get extremely dirty, the idea of holding a Herbology class surrounded by actual plants didn't sound like such an awful idea.

After asking for directions from a cute little second or third year, Marianne made her way to the Greenhouses, somewhat excited under her cool demeanour. Back in Beauxboutons they didn't have Greenhouses through the whole year, only in the winter. They had huge gardens around the school, filled with various magical and non-magical plants alike. Her favourite part of the gardens were the flower gardens. Her favourite flower was the lily, but she also loved roses, especially the red ones.

Marianne looked at the greenhouses and wrinkled her nose. They looked...dirty and old, nothing like the shining and pure white ones at home. Well, if there were flowers in them, she wouldn't complain. She walked over to the entrance of the first one and opened the door soundlessly.

Her good mood shattered after the first glance. There were magical plants all around her. And while the collection was an impressive one, she couldn't help but scoff at the rows upon rows of trees, bushes, and God knows what else. No flowers. None at all.

Marianne sighed heavily and leaned against one of the trees she deemed safe and insect-less enough. She really shouldn't have expected anything cultured and/or beautiful in a barbaric place like this. Not for the first time, Marianne felt a strong sense of longing squeeze her heart. She wiped her eyes furiously, getting rid of that one tear drop which managed to escape. She wanted to go back Beauxboutons, oh Dieu, she wanted to go back so bad it hurt!
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 1:20 am

Humming happily as she worked, Aleta absently brushed a strand of her hair back and ended up with a streak of dirt across her forehead. Not that she actually noticed, more involved with her plants than her state of dress. Which was rather dismal today, more so than usual. She hadn't actually had any classes today, or any detentions to look over, or any meetings to take up her time. It was a rare chance that she got free time for such a long period, and so she had taken advantage of it by going through all of her green houses and getting right down in the dirt.

And while Aleta certainly took care of the girly things she figured she was meant to, she liked getting covered in dirt more than she liked getting clean. It just made her feel more alive - a weird thought, considering that most people only got covered in dirt when they were being buried and thus were already dead. But that wasn't the point; the point that was being filthy made her feel like she was actually doing something with her life.

It had been that way ever since she was little, and it wasn't something she was going to stop with now just because she was older. She finished with the plants in this green house and looked around, smiling brightly. Aleta got to her feet and used her wand to get the dirt off of her clothes, knowing better than to go between the greenhouses covered in dirt. She was meant to "set an example" for the students and "show them the proper way to behave" as said by the Headmaster. She didn't personally buy in to that, but since she didn't want to lose her job, she went along with it.

She bounced over to the next greenhouse, slowing as she noticed that the door was open. Aleta pouted briefly before pushing that away, slightly upset that she wouldn't be able to relax and work in peace. Though it might be one of her more Herbology inclined students, which meant that she could have a plants talk while they worked on their respective tasks. Brightening at the prospect, she quickly went inside and looked around for the student.

And find her she did, though she didn't quite expect what she found. Aleta had hoped for a student to talk over plants with; instead she was getting a student who thought that hiding in the greenhouses was the best way to cry out her emotions. Hiding a grimace before the student could see it, she went over to the younger girl and bent down slightly to look at her face. "Are you okay sweetie?" She asked, a kind concerned tone in her face.

She reached in to her little pouch to pull out a handkerchief for the girl, not noticing as some of her hair popped free of her little bun at the back of her neck. Pulling the thing out and holding it out towards the girl, Aleta gave her a concerned look. "What's wrong?" She asked, not really expecting an answer. Often times students just replied with an obvious lie and left so they could find somewhere to wallow in peace.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 2:00 pm

Marianne stiffened when she saw someone approaching. Merde, she thought no one would be here at this time! She almost scoffed at the question. Yes, because coming here to find dirt-covered flooring and random magical plants instead of beautiful flower gardens made her okay. Just dandy. And peachy. And whatever other weird words the rosbif used to describe their moods.

What's wrong? What's wrong?! Everything was wrong! She was in a disgusting place, filled with disgusting plants, in a disgusting country! She wanted to go back to cultured, beautiful France, and leave this place behind once and for all!

She wasn't about to show her true emotions though. She was a lady, and ladies never showed their negative emotions to anyone. Especially not to attractive anyones.

She looked the older woman (for she was sure the woman before her was in her mid-thirties) over quickly. Long, curly dark hair, olive eyes, tan skin, sporty build. Not that bad. Not exactly her type, but she wasn't an eyesore like all those rosbif.

She gave the teacher a sweet smile. "Oh, je suis dessole for just barging in here. I was wondering if there was a flower garden around here and I got lost." Maybe they did have a flower garden somewhere? And maybe this woman, who she assumed to be the Herbology teacher, judging by her messy appearance and her being there, could show her the way. And maybe, if she was lucky, she could even have some fun on the way.
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 7:34 pm

Aleta tried to be as calming as she could possibly be, definitely noticing that the girl did not seem to be very happy. She wasn't sure why, but she didn't want to make things any worse for the young woman. That would certainly be terrible. She refrained from harping on the point though, seeing the way the younger woman sort of closed herself off.

Tilting her head at the French, she offered the woman a smile. "Students are allowed to come in here whenever they want to, so long as they don't attempt to plant anything in here as well." Humming and wiping her hands on her pants, getting most of the dirt off of them, she shrugged. "There are no flower gardens in any of the class greenhouses, though there might be some in the student run greenhouse. Would you like me to show you the way?" She offered, smiling again.

As she waited for a response, she finally noticed all of the dirt and decided that it would probably be best to get rid of it all before walking out of the green house with a student. Just a hunch. Pulling out her wand and casting a quick 'scourgify' on herself, she squirmed a bit at the itchy feel of the cleaning spell. It was slightly uncomfortable.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2011 1:05 pm

So they could come in whenever they wanted to? She expected a bit more...strictness from a British school. Rules seemed to be much more lax than she thought. Not that she actually cared very much about whether or not they were allowed to enter the greenhouses. She wasn't about to come here ever again.

She smiled at the woman gratefully. A pretty woman who was helpful to top? Marianne was liking this situation more and more. "Merci beaucoup, I would be most grateful if you could. Only if it's not a problem though." The polite, nice little lady act always seemed to make her teachers adore her. And being on good terms with teachers always helped.

She stopped herself from raising her eyebrow at the professor. She cast scourgify on herself? That was...odd. Definitely not unwelcome, for Marianne hated dirt with passion, but still strange. Didn't she know any better self-cleaning spells? They were required to learn those in their third year back in France. Maybe it was not so around here. It wouldn't be that surprising.
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 6:41 am

"It would be no problem at all hun, don't worry." She nodded, smiling more. Such a polite young woman. And Aleta could still see the slight signs of distress on her face, though the girl was certainly hiding them very well; Aleta was just used to looking for them on her students' faces. They often came to the greenhouses when they were upset for some reason; presumably because they thought they would be completely alone.

Aleta gently pulled her hair out of its bun as she started guiding the girl out of the greenhouse, running her fingers through it to straighten it out a bit. "I'm Professor Carriedo." She said, finally introducing herself to the student. She wasn't expecting a name in return, but she thought it would be a good thing to give the girl someone to talk to if she ever needed to.

She was also trying to ignore the itch that the scourgify had left on her skin. While she knew that there were better spells out there, she never really cared to use them. Which left her with this terrible itch on her skin whenever she used a spell to get clean. It was actually very annoying.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 12:50 pm

"Then I shall accept your offer. Merci beaucoup once again." She stood up straighter and smoothed out the wrinkles on her shirt caused by leaning against the tree. Appearing messy in front of a Professor would do her and her reputation no good. Not that she had much of a reputation around here, not yet at least. She would just have to try harder to become the top of the food-chain here too.

She followed the older woman obediently, noting that her hair did not seem properly taken care of, properly from her view at least, but it was still quite pretty. And she didn't seem to wear make-up either. A natural beauty, eh? Marianne had always adored naturally beautiful people, herself being one of them of course.

Marianne slowed slightly and curtsied hastily, refusing to give up her manners just because the teacher didn't stop while introducing herself. Not everyone had had hours upon hours of etiquette lessons like her. "Marianne Bonnefoy, madamosielle Professeur. It is a pleasure to meet you." She gave Professor Carriedo a polite smile and walked a bit faster, catching up to her finally. She looked around them, observing the grounds and subtly searching for flower gardens, which she didn't really think she would find, and appropriate spots for dates and such.
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2011 6:33 am

Aleta hummed, nodding and smiling at the younger woman. Something about her seemed a bit off, in this polite front she was putting on - because Aleta knew very well that students never acted like themselves around teachers. She was pretty sure that if they did, she would be handing out detentions like they were going out of fashion. Of course, that would put an end to the acting like themselves thing... inwardly pushing the issue away, she just sped up a little to get to the greenhouse faster.

She could hear Marianne following after her, the click of her shoes being a tell-tale sign that she was right behind Aleta. So when that slowed she paused and looked back to make sure the student was okay, seeing her curtsy. Aleta smiled, almost giggling. She remembered being forced to do that with every one she met, whether she was pleased to see them or not. As soon as she had left home she had abandoned that habit. "A pleasure to meet you as well Miss Bonnefoy." Aleta nodded, her version of a curtsy, before continuing on.

Reaching the greenhouse, she held the door open for Marianne. "After you." May as well use the manners she had cast off so long ago, since Marianne was using them with her. Though Aleta really didn't like them, being polite was sometimes the only way to go.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2011 3:25 pm

She smiled at her Professor, glad that someone around here actually had manners. "Merci, Professor Carriedo." She entered the greenhouse, the smell of fresh soil hitting her nose almost immediately. Oddly, in spite of her noble upbringing, Marianne had always found the smell of earth a comforting one. Especially when it was mixed with the delicate fragrance of flowers.

Marianne looked around, trying to hide her eagerness and failing pitifully at it. She walked deeper into the greenhouse, her search distracting her from getting closer to her teacher. She could always do that later.

After a minute or so of fruitless searching, she could smell the faint scent of flowers coming from somewhere around her. She turned around and couldn't hold back her squeak of joy. Flowers! Beautiful, fragrant, delicate flowers! Sure, it was only a small garden of them, not even the size of a dorm room, but they were there! She almost ran over to the flower bed and knelled down, not minding the state of her skirt for once.
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 6:30 pm

She smiled and nodded. "You're welcome Miss Bonnefoy." She followed her into the greenhouse and looked over the list of what was planted in the greenhouse. While it was a student run and cared for one, she liked to know what they were planting in here. She wasn't about to let them grow drugs in here using the excuse of doing it for her class.

"There are flowers in here, they're just down that way." She looked up at the list to smile at Marianne, only to blink in surprise when she noticed that the student was no where to be seen. Apparently she wanted to explore the building all by herself. Laughing slightly, Aleta put the list back and went to look for her.

Going in the direction of the flower section of the greenhouse, she smiled when she found Marianne kneeling next to the flowerbed. Standing behind and to the side of her, Aleta looked over the flowers. She was actually quite proud of her students for making the plants bloom and blossom without her help. It was wonderful to see. "If you want, you may plant something here was well." She offered, nodding.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 11:41 am

Roses, carnations, daffodils, and oh, there were even lilies! And the clean, fresh smell of them! This was the happiest she had been since coming to this hellhole.

She tensed when she heard the professor coming up behind her. What was she doing, kneeling over a flower bed like a pathetic little girl? How unbecoming of lady. She stood up quickly, smoothing out the wrinkles on her skirt. She took out her wand and made the stains disappear as well, ashamed of her actions and her appearance. This woman was the Herbology professor, so maybe she wouldn't start disliking Marianne for her embarrassing actions?

"Oh, thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid I don't know how." Although she loved flowers, Marianne had never planted a single one in all her life. That's what gardeners were for.
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 6:19 am

Aleta hide a smile when Marianne finally noticed that she was there, seeing the way the younger woman had tensed. To be honest, Aleta herself had thought it was nice, the enthusiastic way the French woman had been looking over the flowers. But she supposed that, for one so aristocratic, it would be seen as childish or some such nonsense to act in such a way. She herself didn't personally subscribe to that silly business, but seeing as Marianne herself did... Aleta decided to just let it go.

"Oh no, it's actually very simple to plant something. The hard part is actually keeping the plant alive, and other people would probably help out with that depending on where you plant it." They wouldn't be able to not help really, since to avoid watering and taking care of anything Marianne planted they would have to also avoid taking care of their own plant. That's generally why Aleta refused to let students plant anything in any of her greenhouses, instead giving them this area to work with instead.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 12:59 pm

Marianne felt almost trapped although she didn't let such emotions show on her face. Refusing the offer would make her seem rude and ungrateful, but planting flowers would feel strange. Aristocrats did not plant flowers, they had gardeners to do dirty work like that for them!

Still, to her honest surprise, she wanted to try doing it. Marianne Bonnefoy, high-class lady, and one of the snobbiest people you could ever meet was actually willing to get her hands dirty. If only her father knew this, he would make her go through all those etiquette lessons once again. But, as the saying goes, what her father didn't know couldn't hurt him.

"Well then, I think I will take you up on that offer. I'll definitely need help though." She smiled at the Professor, her eyes begging for help.
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 9:04 pm

Aleta hummed and turned her attention to the plants as Marianne thought over her offer. She didn't really care, one way or another, which the younger woman choose. However, she seemed so excited to see the flowers that teaching her how to plant them would probably just make her feel more comfortable at Hogwarts. To be in your final year - which she was pretty sure Marianne was in - and then to have to come to entirely different school with an entirely different language... Aleta felt a bit sorry for her.

Looking up as Marianne announced her decision, Aleta smiled brightly. "That's wonderful! And of course I'll help you in anyway that you need me to, it'll be my pleasure." Planting things made Aleta happy, and even if she wasn't technically the one to be doing the planting in this situation, she was still excited to be doing this. Bouncing once and thinking, Aleta nodded to herself. "What do you want to plant?" That was a very important first step.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeTue Oct 11, 2011 12:15 pm

Her smile turned a bit amused at her Professor's reaction. Was helping her plant something such a delightful thing? It must have been if she was bouncing and beaming like that. Such an enthusiastic Professor.

...What did she want to plant? The answering list would have been at least two feet long. She wanted to plant everything! Asking her to choose only one little beauty was ridiculous. But she didn't want to seem overly eager or too demanding, so she had to decide on one flower. She could always plant roses, they were the flowers of love, after all. But those poor flowers were desecrated; they were the national flower of England and she wouldn't plant something so closely bound to that country.

She perked up. National flowers, of course! She smiled at Aleta happily. "I would like to plant Irises."
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2011 6:38 am

Seeing the amused tint to the student's smile, Aleta made herself stop bouncing. It was a little difficult, because bouncing was what she always did when she was excited, but she managed it. Thankfully. She really shouldn't be so unprofessional looking in front of the students, no matter what her emotions were.

Straightening herself out as she waited for Marianne's decision, Aleta tried to keep her leg from bouncing as well. She eventually just started taking care of the roses, just so she had something to do that would stop her from acting like a teenage girl. It really wasn't something a middle age woman like herself should be doing in the first place, so it was a bit troublesome when it happened. Even though she generally enjoyed acting like a teenager.

Aleta looked up at Marianne's words and nodded, tilting her head slightly. "Alright. I'll have to order the seeds and all that, so within two weeks we should be able to get started." She nodded and offered Marianne a a smile, pleased. This was going to be ever so much fun really.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeMon Oct 17, 2011 12:36 pm

Right. Why would they have the seeds at school? It's not like there were many other students like her, who actually enjoyed looking at beautiful things instead of boring, old trees and some dangerous plants. How could anyone find such things interesting was beyond her.

But two weeks was a long time. It was highly unlikely that she would still be in the mood to get herself dirty by the time those seeds arrived. Not that she had a choice. By the looks of things, if she wanted to have a flower garden almost as beautiful as the one in France, then she would have to plant it herself. Yes, it will be full of colourful, fragile, and fragnant flowers. Roses, irises, lilies, chrysanthemums, hyacinths, and lots of other flowers.

Her excitement for her very own garden almost managed to override her shame that despite being a noble, she was doing commoner's work. She was sure that her father had much less connections here than he did back in the more civilised parts of the world, but there was no guarantee that he wouldn't hear of it one way or another. She bit her lower lip, glancing at her Professor. "Would...would it be too much to ask that you kept this a secret?"
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2011 5:07 pm

Aleta turned away from Marianne to look over the flowerbed, trying to figure out the space she could give to the Slytherin to make her own. There wasn't a lot of space - most of it had been used up in her five years of teaching - but there were dying flowers left behind by the graduates of the last few years that she could pull out. She had never promised to keep them there after all and they were turning into mulch at this point.

Nodding to herself and clapping lightly, Aleta got an idea. She turned to Marianne to share it only to be stopped by the girl asking her to keep it a secret. "Ah... of course, if that's what you want." She nodded, a little surprised. Of course, some students had reputations in the school and didn't want to ruin them by being known as the weird kid who planted in the greenhouses. It infuriated her to hear people talking like that, but there really was nothing she could do about it.

"So, I figured while we were waiting for the seeds to arrive, we could clear out a space for you here." She gestured at the flowerbed, summoning a pair of gloves for Marianne to use. Aleta offered them out to her, smiling in a way that clearly stated that Marianne would have to do this if she wanted to have her flowers.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 8:50 am

She smiled at her teacher gratefully. She could see the flash of surprise in her eyes, which was a normal reaction. Marianne was sure most students wouldn't want to keep such ordinary thing a secret. But she wasn't most students. Her school reputation going down the drain before it was even born was one thing; the chance that her father might hear of this was another, much more important, factor.

She stared at the professor in obvious shock. Planting flowers, sure, she could do that. But crawling in the dirt to yank out dying flowers? That was something not even their gardeners would do! This was ridiculous. A Bonnefoy, doing degrading physical work like this? Her father would die of shame. Or rather, make her die of shame. This wasn't something nobility should ever do. She stared at the gloves in her teacher's hands, raising an eyebrow slightly. She would need a whole spacesuit for this, not just gloves! "Umm, Professor, why don't we just use our wands to get them out?"
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 10:17 am

Hiding a smile at the shocked look on Marianne's face, Aleta shrugged faintly and pulled on her own gloves. "We could, but it's generally a bad idea to use magic near non-magical plants." Humming, Aleta put the gloves on Marianne and summoned a mat for her to kneel on while they worked. "Besides, it's just more fun to take them out by hand. And it helps you get to know the soil that you'll be planting in."

Aleta tied her hair back quickly, not bothering to do it in a way where it would look nice either. She just wanted it out of her way in a not painful way. And if it looked like her hair was just one big tangled messed at the base of her neck, she didn't really mind that. She was only working in the greenhouse after all, and all of her students had seen her covered in dirt more than once - she often taught classes with dirt all over her face and neck. Sending Marianne a bright smile, Aleta got down on her knees next to the mat. "Come on now, we don't have all day." She nodded, waiting patiently.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 10:55 am

Fun? What was funny about digging your hand in dirt and getting it all over yourself? She didn't even want to imagine what her nails would look like after that. She shuddered at the thought. And her clothes, oh, her clothes. Her expensive designer's clothes, straight from France's most well-known and loved fashion designers.

She stared at the mat, wondering if the Professor was serious about that. She thought that little piece of material could protect her from dirt?

After the older woman pulled her impressive amount of hair up messily, which surprisingly kind of suited, and told Marianne to hurry up, she knew she had to make a decision. She could leave and never have her flowers. Unfortunately, that would definitely make Professor Carriedo angry at her, which meant a slighter chance of getting a good grade in her class. But she had no time to go back to the castle and change and soiling her clothes was out of the question.

Well, what was magic for? She quickly made a duplicate of her jacket, a sound idea entering her head. "Give me just a minute, please." She walked behind a tree and started transforming the jacket into something suitable for such work. Transfiguration did come in handy sometimes.

Jeans and a long-sleeved shirt would do. That was what muggles wore when they did dirty work, right? She wasn't sure. Well, they covered her arms and legs and those gloves would cover her hands, so hopefully she could avoid getting dirty. She gently put her clothes in her bag and walked back to the professor. "Alright, I think I'm as ready as I can be."
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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 23, 2011 2:40 pm

Aleta watched in amusement as the other woman duplicated her jacket and went behind the tree, shaking her head slightly. It was always kind of cute, watching people who hated dirt and seeing what they did to avoid it. "Of course dear, take your time." She called after her, turning to the plant in front of her and getting work.

It didn't actually take a lot of time to get the weeds out of the way, since they seemed to have only have been there for a little while. If they had been growing there for longer than they would have been more deeply embedded in the flowerbed and that much harder to get out completely.

By the time Marianne came back out, Aleta had already gotten all of the weeds out of the way. She looked up and beamed, clapping a little in excitement. "Wonderful! You're just in time! We need to start pulling out the dead plant and getting the fertilizer in place." Speaking of fertilizer, she would have to go get some soon to use here. Hm... oh well. The flowerbed could wait a while.
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Former Fem!France

Former Fem!France

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Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Searching for Beauty [Aleta]   Searching for Beauty [Aleta] Icon_minitimeFri Dec 23, 2011 6:41 am

Cute. Professor Carriedo was so cute. While Marianne hated dirt with a passion, the older woman's obvious excitement was adorable and almost contagious. Almost. Not even an excited and beautiful woman could get Marianne to like dirt.

She knelt down next to her tentatively, a sigh escaping her lips. It wasn't that bad. She could pretend she was kneeling on the nice, clean floor of her ballet studio and not on the dirty ground. She looked over the flower bed, somewhat relieved that all the weed seemed to have disappeared already. There weren't that many dead plants thankfully. She could definitely survive this. "Alright. Do I just...pull it out?"
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