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 You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]

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Former South Italy

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You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Empty
PostSubject: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 05, 2011 6:09 am

Lovino was no stranger to the library; he knew exactly where everything was in multiple sections, all of them in some way useful to the many projects he had under way. However, the librarian often changed where things were located in the library and it took him ages to figure out where everything was again. So of course it pissed him when, on a rare day that he was coming in to actually work on homework, he was being forced to get used to an entirely new system.

Scowling as he searched through the library for the Charms section, he grumbled under his breath in such a way as to make sure the librarian heard every word he was saying. Knowing that she would never actually punish him - for as much as he disliked her habit of changing things he was still fond of her as a rule and she was just as fond of him for his obvious love of books - he was allowed to grumble in peace.

"Oh for the love of-!" Lovino glared at the decidedly not Charms books in the aisle he had turned in to, having thought that they would be given what was next to them. Which meant the librarian had changed up the system even more than usual. He only hoped he would find the books he needed sometime before he was forced to go to class or risk being late. Shaking his head, Lovino continued searching the library, highly displeased with the state of things.

Last edited by Lovino Vargas on Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 2:12 am

Sometimes it took Dominik a long while to get used to new things, depending on the situation at hand. Everything about Hogwarts was on a much bigger scale than his old school back in Romania. He could get used to the halls here, but something that kept managing to throw him off was the library. Though it wasn't too different from the old one back home, the layout seemed to be the complete opposite of what he was used to. It made finding things very difficult on occasion. He was pretty sure that the librarian was getting sick of him constantly asking for where certain types of books were located. Truth was though, he could have cared less.

He always found it easier to follow written instructions, so he had written down the location of the potions section down on a small piece of paper that could fit in the palm of his hand. This was all especially a pain because Dominik didn't even particularly like the class in the first place. He didn't mind coming here for things he actually enjoyed. In fact, back next to where he slept he had a number of books he had already taken out. They were just much more exciting than anything having to do with potions.

Having already gone past the first two makers as instructed by the libarian, Dominik continued walking. He looked down to the small paper in his palm, not bothering to stop. Unfortunately for him, it only took a few seconds of looking down to cause a problem. Before he had a change to react properly, he had bump straight into someone else who seemed to be distracted searching for something too. Dominik let out a noise of discomfort, though it wasn't actually anything painful or particularly forceful. "Oh...oh hey! I am sorry about that!" he apologized as soon as he gathered what had happened, turning around to look at the person he had crashed into.
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Former South Italy

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 13, 2011 2:11 am

Glaring as he once again turned down the wrong aisle of books, he paused to take a deep breath and figure out a good game plan for how this was going to work out. Obviously just blindly searching wasn't going to help him, but the last time he had used a locator spell he had ended up on the exact opposite end of the library from where needed to be. He still wasn't sure if it had gone wrong because of a spell or because of some latent magics here in the library.

Shaking his head and realizing that complaining about failed spells wouldn't help him, he quickly started walking again. Right into someone else. Yelping as he ended up falling on to his ass, he grumbled and glared at the person briefly before remembering that just because he was the one who fell and the other guy hadn't, didn't mean that it was this guy's fault. "It's fine kid."

He stood up and brushed off his pants, picking up the small piece of paper that had fluttered out of the kid's hand when they ran into each other. Lovino raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. "The potions books aren't in this section anymore." Instead, the books on magical creatures were there. It was a strange switch, but so was replacing the transfiguration books with divination books. Unfortunately, he didn't know where the potions books were now. He had planned on finding them after finding the books on charms.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 11:19 pm

He was going to hold out a hand to the other male to assist him up, but it seemed that the boy handled that himself rather quickly. Dominik didn't really appreciate being referred to a 'kid' by someone who appeared to be so close to his own age, but he brushed it off. After all, he was the one that had knocked the poor guy over. There was no use in bringing up points like that when he probably already appeared to be rude in the brunette's eyes. He didn't appear to be injured though, which was a plus. Though Dominik wasn't afraid of facing the staff of the school, he was advised here that it probably wasn't best to get in trouble and argue with them when he was in trouble. Here they could just send him back home if they didn't like his behavior.

It also seemed that the brunette in question seemed to have something important to what he was doing in the first place -- his small piece of paper. "Oh, yes. I know." With this, he gestured off in the vague direction that the librarian's desk was in. "The librarian gave me directions to the new location of the books! They moved recently? I didn't know where they were in the first place." This wasn't a lie at all. Either way, he still would have needed the paper. All the time he spoke, he was giving the boy he had knocked down a good looking over. "You are alright, right?"
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Former South Italy

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You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2011 4:04 pm

Lovino wasn't too sure of when he got into the habit of referring to everyone as 'kid' when he didn't know their name, but he knew for a fact that the reason he kept doing it was because it annoyed people. And while he might not enjoy doing that as much as Gilbert, he still enjoyed seeing the flicker of frustration go across people's faces. He briefly entertained the notion of asking the kid's name before deciding that he really didn't need to know and if he did, the kid would tell him so.

He shrugged, looking over the little paper. Actually noticing the rest of the instructions this time, he tilted his head and looks towards where the potions book apparently were, if this paper was meant to be trusted. He hadn't actually checked that section yet, and now he was wondering if the charms books might be over there as well. "Yeah I'm fine kid." The only damage was to his pride really and that didn't truly matter. He handed the paper back to the kid and started walking towards the potions books.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeFri Aug 19, 2011 11:00 pm

Though there was really nothing exciting written on the paper that had fallen out of this hands other than the instructions, he still found it odd that the boy hadn't returned it. He had to have known that it was his based on the way he was speaking. Dominik kind of did need that back if he was planning on finding all the potions books. Then again, he was pretty sure that he had actually remembered it in his head if he decided he had wanted to keep it for whatever reason. Before he had to think about that subject more, the paper was given back to him.

Then the boy simply walked off. Strange. It wasn't that he wanted to give a weird impression, but the section of the library he was looking for happened to be in the same direction the boy he had bumped into was walking. Though Dominik generally could care less on people's opinions on him if he tried, he really didn't need to be known as a kid who knocked others over. He caught up with the boy again and started making conversation.

"Ah, I am glad you didn't break anything! People in this school sure bump into one another a lot." With this, Dominik let out a playful sigh while remembering all the other times he had witnessed it happen to other unsuspecting students. This was a silly topic to talk to with a stranger, but what else did the two really have in common other than that one incident moments ago? "That was the first time that I did it though so I apologize." Though he was being polite, he wasn't really too fond of the tone of voice that the brunette kept using to speak, so he wasn't sure if this was all in vain. "I thought that you were walking in the opposite direction though? Or we wouldn't have hit one another if we were walking the same direction. Maybe just brushed arms awkwardly or something." To emphasize what could have happened since they were now in the same direction, Dominik made it appear like he was going to brush against the stranger's arm.
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Former South Italy

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 7:50 pm

"Well, people in this school have a problem watching where they're going." And yes, he was included in that unfortunately. He got too easily distracted when thinking over things, and that tended to end with him running into someone else. Like this person, who was now walking with him. Though Lovino supposed it made sense, since the kid had been going in this direction in the first place. "It's fine." He shrugged off the kid's apology.

Lovino frowned slightly, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "I was. But then I realized that it wasn't the direction I wanted to go in to get what I need." He explained, feeling that this was an obvious fact and that this random person was somewhat idiotic for not knowing this already. He made a face and moved his arm when the kid attempted to brush their arms together.

Brightening as he finally found the charms section of the library, he abandoned the kid to his own devices to look through the section for the book he needed. The kid didn't really need him to look for the potions section, and doing this would help them avoid any awkward conversations with each other. Which Lovino felt was a wonderful idea, as he absolutely detested the idea of being forced into awkward conversations with anyone. Though really, who didn't?
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 1:59 pm

It seemed that this other boy really didn't want to make physical contact with him for whatever reason. Dominik wasn't really sure why, though it was hypocritical of him. He didn't mind touching other people when he wanted to, but he wasn't too fond when people decided they wanted to touch him out of no where. Hypocritical or not, he was just trying to be friendly. It wasn't like he had a horrible disease or something that people shouldn't touch him. If that wasn't slightly insulting enough, the brunette abandoned him without a word. Sure, their meeting may have not been the most pleasant way to first meet someone, but he could have at least said a simple word as they parted ways. With a little huff, Dominik rose his voice a bit. "Goodbye to you too." he said in a friendly tone, though it also had the intention of being a bit rude since he wasn't a fan of not being acknowledged.

With that, he walked off in the direction of the potions section of the library. Coincidentally, it was the next section over from the charms isles where the rude brunette had parted ways with him. Luckily for him, once he actually found the section it wasn't too difficult to find the book that he had been planning on taking out from the library. It was always just finding the correct section that was more pain than it was worth. Stupid potions class. He really didn't even want the book.

To balance out having to read this horrible book, Dominik decided he would just have to take out yet another book. Only this time, it would be something he enjoyed instead, and not something that was helpful for class. The fact was, he loved reading things that interested him in his own free time. The only problem was, he now had no clue where any other sections were. Clearly there was only one solution to Dominik's problem.

"Hey, sorry to bother you again." He found himself back at the row of books where he had left the other boy. "You are the only person I know in the library right now. Want to help me find something?" He walked up, offering the other boy his hand to shake. "I'm Dominik, by the way." It felt odd not knowing someone else's name so he hoped that he replied with his name.
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Former South Italy

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2011 10:56 pm

He might have been rude, but Lovino didn't really enjoying ending - or starting, come to think of it - conversations, especially not with people he had just ran into and almost knocked over. He waved over his shoulder at the other student, already looking through the Charms books and trying to find the one he needed. Finding and a few others, the Italian moved to go to the librarian's desk and was stopped by the other kid again.

Staring at him, Lovino alternated between listening to him talk and looking at his hand. "What do you want my help finding?" He wondered, somewhat reluctantly shaking the other boy's hand. "I'm Lovino." May as well return the favor. He shifted the books in his arms and put all of them in to his bag, making a note to take them out later when he went to the librarian's desk.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 3:03 pm

Dominik was quite glad that the other boy at least didn't try to walk away from his conversation this time around. Though he did it often himself when people were bothersome, he much hated when it was actually done to him. The boy introduced himself as Lovino, and even shook Dominik's hand. Maybe this guy wasn't as strange as he had initially thought. "That is an interesting name." It was true, he never heard it before in his life. At the same time, it wasn't a rude comment. He returned the handshake firmly with a smile, drawing back his hand after.

"Well Lovino, I hope you can help." With this, he looked to his right, and then to his left before finally looking back to Lovino. Really, he didn't want to have to make the trek all the way back to the librarian's desk at this point in time. "Does this library have any books on necromancy? I was hoping to be able to read something about it." Dominik let out a little sigh to show disbelief. "Would you believe it isn't in any of the books that I own?" The library here at Hogwarts was double the size of the library of his school back in Romania, surely they had something interesting here.
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Former South Italy

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You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 12:07 am

He hummed faintly when Dominik commented on his name, pressing his lips together faintly. Really, he didn't see why this kid felt he had the right to do so; Dominik was just as unusual a name as Lovino. "Well, my parents liked being different." Lovino was at least half certain that he was named after wine. He wasn't sure what specific wine, but a wine.

Resisting the urge to wipe his hand after Dominik let go of it, he listened to the kid's request. "Well, unfortunately for you, the only books on necromancy are in the Restricted Section. Which, as I'm sure you could have guessed from the name, means you need special permission to go in there and take out any books." Lovino huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. "I'm truly shocked that you don't own a book on it yet." People were so strange.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 6:22 pm

Upon listening to Lovino's explanation, Dominik's expression turned to a discontent frown. That wasn't what he wanted to hear. He hated being told that he couldn't do what he wanted. Yes, it was something as simple as a library book, but it was still someone preventing him from getting to it. "Really? That is unfortunate!" Unfortunate was a bit of an understatement in his mind. He really wanted to read it. This was throwing off his original plan of balancing out the boring library book with a more exciting book. Lovino's reaction was good to Dominik, but only because he seemed to have missed that the other boy wasn't really taking him seriously.

"I actually have a few books that mention it! But nothing actually only on the subject. And those books are at home." Back at home in his room, Dominik had a pile of the oddest, and probably most unneeded subjects most people could imagine. All of them couldn't make it to school with him. "I was thinking that since this was a library they would have it to read for sure." Dominik let out a noise of disappointment hinted with annoyance. It wasn't directed at Lovino, but more at the library. "How do people get special permission to read things in there then?" Poor Lovino was getting a question and answer session during this conversation.
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Former South Italy

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 12:18 pm

Lovino rolled his eyes, relaxing slightly once he realized that he was going to be talking with this guy for quite a while. "Mm, yes, it is quite a shame." He was surprised this guy was actually serious about wanting to read up on necromancy; most people would never even dare to talk about something like that, let alone express an interest in it. Mostly because they were cowards who didn't want to risk getting in trouble. Then again, this guy was a Gryffindor, he probably didn't understand the meaning of discreet.

"They probably have it hidden away so none of the first, second, or third years can get their hands on it." It would make sense, since children had endless bounds of curiosity and Lovino could see them trying out necromancy only to have their souls ripped out of their bodies for doing it wrong. And then Hogwarts would get shut down and other schools would have to deal with the terrible students coming from the UK. "You either have to get a pass from a teacher for a project or ask the librarian because one of the books you need for a project is in there." Dominik could also just sneak in, as Lovino knew many people who have done so, but if he couldn't think of that solution himself the Italian wasn't going to give it to him.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 01, 2011 1:59 am

Everything that Lovino was saying made quite a good deal of sense. It still wasn't really what Dominik wanted to hear though. He listened, debating on how he could actually get his hands on it because now that the challenge was out there, he really didn't want to go back to the gryffindor dorm with another book on a different subject. He especially didn't want to be stuck with just the potions book. "That is unfortunate. Schools like making things difficult, don't they?" Yes, as Lovino said, it was just for safety reasons. That didn't make it anymore fun to hear though. Dominik let out a small playful laugh. "I guess it makes sense though. I doubt teachers want to be explaining to parents why their child brought home someone's soul." He paused before speaking again. "Or maybe where their own child's went!" Yes, both of those would be very unfortunate.

"I don't really need it for a project..." he trailed off a bit, debating on a few things in his head to make a plan. There was a silence before he spoke again, this time his grin returned. "Think I could trick the librarian?" With this, he glanced off in the direction that he knew she was in, even if she was hidden far away by book cases.

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Former South Italy

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 01, 2011 11:14 pm

"Schools like to keep their students safe, so if that means making it difficult then yes." He could understand complaining about the rules, but only when the rules were obviously stupid. Rules meant to keep people safe were in place for a reason. "It would probably be more where their own went. Even accidentally, I don't think a kid could take someone else's soul." Or could they? It would be an interesting thing to look at... but of course he had no access to the books.

"Well... it might work. For a few days. But then she could just talk to your teachers and figure out that you were lying. And I don't think the librarian would like that all too much." He explained, shifting his bag slightly.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 1:23 am

Dominik had never cared much for rules. They were good to follow, but most were so unnecessary that it was more than a pleasure to bend and break them. After all, it was their fault for being ridiculous in the first place. At least, that is how he viewed the subject. "Makes sense. Lawsuits don't seem like they are fun to deal with." Nope, both in the wizarding world and the muggle world it wasn't something that was exactly wanted by a school. This held especially true for well known and highly respected schools. "I don't know. I've never seen that happen, but anything can happen with that kind of thing so you have to learn not to be too surprised." Surprises, no matter how bad, were the things that normally landed themselves in books so other people could be interested and amused the the horrible events.

"Would the librarian really care that much though? I never see her move from her chair." Of course, that was a silly statement. She didn't live in that chair and she obviously had to get up sometime.
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Former South Italy

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 10:12 pm

He shrugged, nodding in agreement. "That's why the librarian would get mad if you lied to her. She might get in trouble if someone finds out that she let you take the book without you really needing it. Of course, if you take it out without her knowing that you took it, then the only person who would get in trouble would be you." He said.

He started walking towards the librarian's desk, shifting his books again to make sure that he wouldn't drop them. He had done that once before. Of course, he had also tripped over something at the time when he had dropped the book, but that wasn't really the point.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:42 pm

"Hm, what she doesn't know what hurt her." he decided after a few moments of playing around with the idea in his head. He would feel horribly guilty if he got a poor innocent librarian in trouble though. Then again, he was sure he had done worse before. Still, there was something about librarians that just got him. Lost in his own pondering over which route of the two was the best, and if there was a third option, it took Dominik a moment to notice Lovino was actually walking away from him.

He suspected that the other boy as trying to lose him, but that really only kicked in wanting to talk more. Even if he was a few paces behind Lovino, he caught up with him rather quickly. It wasn't all that difficult to accomplish. "Hey are you leaving already?" he asked in his normal tone of voice before dropping it to continue. "I can't exactly talk to you about the librarian if we are standing right in front of her." With this, he glanced over in her direction. Surely this kid wasn't trying to get him in trouble, right?
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Former South Italy

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeTue Sep 13, 2011 8:09 am

He shrugged slightly, making a small noise. "If you think you'll get away with it, have fun." He said, trying to get away from the other boy. It wasn't that he didn't like talking with him, it was just that... he didn't want to talk with him. Which were definitely two different things to Lovino, and so it counted. But he didn't see why he should have to be forced in to contact with this person just because he had helped the guy find the section he was looking for or something like that. Unfortunately, his attempted escape was noticed and the other boy was quickly beside him once again. This was decidedly unhelpful, as Lovino had hoped to get away with out being noticed.

Which, in hindsight, was a stupid idea and he wasn't sure why he thought he was going to get away with it. Lovino blamed the Gryffindors he was being forced to work with as the reason why. Somehow, they were to blame for this lack of logic. "I do need to check out my books. And oh dear. I guess we'll have to stop talking then, won't we?" Lovino gave him a pointed glare after that before stepping up to the front desk and handing the librarian his books. He was nicer to her than he was to Dominik, which was very noticeable to any one who had been watching.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 15, 2011 2:12 am

When Lovino made his exit from their conversation, Dominik didn't put up any verbal objections. He just stayed there and watched. He hated when people just walked away like that, but the other boy wasn't the only one with a library book to take out. Two could play this little game. He waited a moment after Lovino was already engaged in what looked like a lovely conversation with with the librarian. He wondered if he was really hated by the boy that much already if he was so friendly with someone else. Thoughts aside, he stood right behind Lovino in line so he could take out the potions book.

Dominik put on a smile that could probably be read as a bit of a smirk. "Oh, looks like we will be leaving the library at the same time. This is great, is it not?" He was sure that Lovino was intelligent enough to get that he was saying they could still keep talking if he just followed him. The librarian wasn't going to get in the way of that. To the woman behind the desk, it would have been a simple comment.
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Former South Italy

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeThu Sep 15, 2011 6:24 am

Lovino tensed slightly as the other boy came up right behind him, not liking how close he was. It made him feel uncomfortable and fidgety, so much so that he moved off to the side before the librarian had even finished with his books. It wasn't that he wanted to show her that almost disrespect, but more that he hated having other men be close to him like that. He took the books from the librarian with a very small smile, quickly putting them in his bag.

As soon as Dominik mentioned them leaving the library at the same time, Lovino felt the urge to just get out of the library right at that moment so that would become a false statement. Unfortunately, he was still involved in the conversation with the librarian and she seemed to be of the mind that the two of them were friends of sorts. He didn't understand why, but unfortunately there was nothing he could do about it. Shooting the other boy a look, Lovino scowled. "Mm, yeah. I guess so."
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 3:41 am

Dominik was well aware that even with this plan Lovino would make it away before him, but this would have to do. It was the quickest he could go. After all that effort of finding the potions book in the first place, he wasn't about to leave it. That would also be a very poor choice academically, as he needed that book for studying later. What he wasn't expecting though was for the brunette to stand there and wait up for him. In his honest opinion, the boy seemed like the type who ran from things. He couldn't tell for sure, of course, but it was just a silly guess from looking.

He wasn't oblivious, the dirty look he received from Lovino was clear as day. Dominik chose to ignore it and focus on the librarian checking out his book. Since he only had one, it didn't take too long for the old book to be out in his name for the next few weeks. The whole time he kept glancing back at the spot the other boy was standing so he was sure he didn't run off when his back was turned. When that was over with, he tucked the book safely in his arms and turned his attention back to Lovino. "Looks like that is over with. You are sneaky." His tone was still playful even if he was wondering if this boy hated him already.
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Former South Italy

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You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 9:38 pm

Lovino chatted with the librarian as she took care of Dominik's book, tempted to reveal the blond's plan to steal one of her books. But it was kind of Lovino's fault that Dominik got that idea in to his head, and Lovino didn't want to risk getting in trouble just to get Dominik in trouble. It wasn't worth it. He had hoped to continue the conversation until after the Gryffindor had left, so he wouldn't get pulled back in to that conversation, but that plan was shot when the librarian ended their conversation with a cheery 'have a nice day boys' and shooed them off.

Scowling, he started walking towards the entrance. "I'm the sneaky one? How strange." He rolled his eyes. Dominik was the one planning to steal from the library, not Lovino. But if that's what the other wanted to believe, then fine. Lovino would let him believe it. It wasn't hurting the Italian to have him do that, so why should he bother correcting it? And it wasn't that Lovino hated him, it was just that Lovino didn't like being around other people - unless they were female.
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Dominik Vasilescu

Dominik Vasilescu

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You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Empty
PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 12:41 am

When Lovino made his way towards the entrance of the library, Dominik followed right back after him. He was pretty sure that the other boy could figure out that he wasn't leaving. He gave a lighthearted chuckle in return to the comment that was made at him. It was dripping with sarcasm. Dominik didn't miss it. "Yes, I saw that you were trying to run from me. But you did not make it far." It might have sounded a little bad, but he didn't mean it in that way. He wasn't doing anything wrong at the moment other than having a simple chat with a fellow student. Lovino was the one that was running away from a simple conversation.

"Where are you going now?" It was clear by the direction he was following Lovino that the brunette had no intention of hanging around the library anymore. Dominik had the sinking suspicion that it was because of himself talking to him, but tried to push the nagging feeling to the back of his mind. In all honesty he didn't have much to do at the moment and wouldn't mind tagging along with him for a while longer to pass the time. Perhaps he could get more information out of him.
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Former South Italy

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Age : 30

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PostSubject: Re: You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed]   You Have Got to Be Kidding Me [Dominik][Closed] Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 8:50 pm

He paused just inside the library doors, turning to look at the Dominik. He gave him a judging look, trying to figure out why he disliked the other boy so much already. He hadn't really done anything to make Lovino angry - besides the attempt to touch him - so Lovino didn't really understand it. Then again, he was loud and energetic and seemed just slightly off somehow, so that might have been why. Either way, Lovino just did not like him. He was sure that eventually he would, if the other kept this up, but at the moment... it was just no.

But, also at the moment, he could see plain as day that the blond wasn't going to leave him alone. Therefore, Lovino just gave up, his shoulders slumping slightly. Sending the other a fierce glare, he scowled. "The foreign exchange common room." And with that he left the library and went out in to the corridors, trying to get to said place as soon as possible. Mostly because then he would have a legitimate excuse to ignore the other - they both had work to do, didn't they? Walking in the halls, well, Lovino had no reason not to talk to him.

((And now we need a new thread in the corridors. /votes for you to do it since I made this thread <3 ))
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